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Backup OS-9 Disk to CD-ROM on VMEbus Systems

OS-9/680x0 Software to access a standard SCSI CD-ROM Recorder on VMEbus system.

Software and Hardware Bundle available at Euro 1999.- . Please email us for further information. We will send you the latest product information via mail or fax.

Burn and read CD-ROM under OS-9

Data backup and longterm data retrieval is a must for any process control system, especially when it has to be certified according ISO 9000 quality management rules.

With a CD-ROM (recordable disk) as a storage media, data recovery is faster compared to streamer tapes, and cheaper with respect to MO drives. For any industrial computer system running OS-9 (® Radisys/Microware), the well known realtime multitasking operating system, we offer all required hard- and software to write data onto a CD-ROM as a OS-9 readable filesystem. Connected to the host computers standard SCSI port, the 69870-CDW CD-Writer (Double-Speed Write, Quad-Speed Read) can be operated as a conventional OS-9 RBF filemanager device.

CD-Recordable Disk Subsystem for OS-9

The utility program 'CDWRITE' manages the complete data backup procedure of a harddisk. Due to accessing the source drive in raw data mode, the data transfer rate is impressive; a 500MB harddisk backup is done in less than 30 minutes on a typical 680xx system.

Up to 99 independent recording sessions can be achieved with the same media by partitioning the CD-ROM recordable disk into a number of tracks for a total capacity of 650MB. This method allows remote periodically recording of smaller data volumes without any user intervention. Assuming dayly recording of some process data, the media would have to be changed quarterly. Once recorded on the CD-ROM, data can be neither deleted nor manipulated. This is an important security criteria, often overseen when discussing archiving methods.

 $ cdwrite -?
   Syntax: cdwrite [«opts»] [«devices, directories or files»] [«opts»]
   Function: Back up complete OS-9 directory structures onto a writable CD
     -b=«size»  Specify buffer size in kBytes (default: 64 kBytes)
     -d=«dev»   Save to an alternate CD-Recorder (default is /cdw0)
     -fix       Fixate disc (write TOC and other information on CD)
     -h[elp]    A short introduction how to use this utility
     -hr        Show list of supported CD-Recorders
     -l         Show tracklist of inserted CD
     -m         Call menue mode (interactive mode)
     -n         Only echo file names without doing the backup
     -q         Quite mode, don't echo names as they are saved
     -s         Show status and other useful informations about the CD-Recorder
     -v         Verbose where possible
     -ws=«spd»  Select write speed (1 = normal (default), 2 = double)
     -write     Write data onto CD (if option -write not given, simulate write)
     -z         Get list of device, directory or file names from standard input
     -z=«path»  Get list of device, directory or file names from «path»
     -V         Show informations about cdwrite

Because the CD-ROM subsystem is provided with a set of OS-9 device descriptors, reading from the drive is handled in the same way as any other RBF device, e.g.

 $ dcheck /cdr1                      (test integrity of CD-ROM track 1)
 $ dir -e /cdr1                      (show root directory of CD-ROM track 1)
 $ copy /cdr2/SYS/termcap -w=/dd/SYS (copy file from CD-ROM track 2)
 $ chd /cdr3; dsave -eb50 /h1        (copy complete CD-ROM track 3 to /h1)

The CDW is allowed to act as a booting device. Therefore installation of high data volume system- or application software is one of the advantages. Also, an OS-9 player utility for Audio-CDs is provided with the subsystem set.

Ordering Number:

EKF69870-CDW CD-Writer Subsystem with OS-9 Software